Pay Attention to the Man Behind the Camera

Every tech-klutzy blogger has someone who can make the glitches go away. I have my significant other (aka the SO), Julian. In addition to his computer skills, he is a gifted photographer. Most importantly, the man can cook!

We met through mutual friends when I was in grad school at Cornell and he was working in the Neurobiology and Behavior section there. When he first invited me to dinner at his apartment, I was certain that he’d make burgers and supplement it with potato salad from the A&P deli. Wrong! He made chicken satays with homemade peanut sauce and cucumber salad, with fresh papaya for dessert. He did demonstrate his humanity by having his corkscrew self-destruct as he was opening a bottle of wine.

Julian prefers to stay behind the camera. Often the only way I can get a photo of him is to take one while he’s noodling with–sorry, I mean adjusting–his camera. However, several years ago he did deign to have some pictures taken before we made lobster for dinner. [For those of you on the East Coast, lobster is usually about $20 a pound here in the Seattle area. We managed to get them on sale for $12 a pound one December.] Since neither of us had any experience cooking lobster, we went to the “Source of All Knowledge” for help: The Joy of Cooking. This is a companion photo to one in which I stared down a Dungeness crab just before easing it into the pot.

Julian and lobsterThis blog is a beta test for Julian’s upcoming blogs. Stay tuned for links!

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    • Sandy&Scott on March 16, 2015 at 9:28 pm
    • Reply

    Photo of JV and the lobster…didn’t you lift that scene strait from a Woody Allen movie?

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