Bike to Work Day

Taking five from the trail.

Taking five from the trail.

May 15 was Bike to Work Day in the Seattle area. The weather was ideal–cool in the morning, with a high in the mid 60’s. I rode to a nearby park and ride, caught the bus to the main hospital, and then rode to the satellite hospital where I work. Assorted organizations set up rest and swag stations around town. My officemate, who rode to work from West Seattle, stopped at so many stations his pack was getting heavy from all the goodies he picked up. The station at my hospital offered free bike tune-ups. I took the opportunity to get my front derailleur degrunged and adjusted.

I did, however, ride all the way home. It’s a 16-mile trip, but a good portion of it is downhill. An early highlight is Interlaken Park, an old-growth forest surrounded by a residential area. The road switchbacks down a steep hill. Fortunately, the traffic is pretty low on that road even during rush hours. Over half the ride is on the Burke-Gilman Trail. This former railroad right of way runs through the University of Washington campus and ends about a block from our home. It offers stellar views of Lake Washington and the Cascade Mountains to the east. Although the trail is heavily traveled, it’s rarely gridlocked–unless you have people riding two or three abreast.

The festivities continued for many on the commute home. There is a brewpub and beer garden in Kenmore across from the park and ride where I caught the bus, which is just off the Burke-Gilman. They had a serious party going on as I rode past, complete with a band. The tables in the beer garden were packed with Spandexed and helmeted revelers. Their bikes were locked up on any available fencing. I didn’t stop, since I was only a mile from home at that point. (It was also my night to cook, and it was nearly 6 pm.)

I’ll be commuting by bike more as the summer goes on; however, Edible Thoughts will be posting from Europe for the next couple of weeks. More to come.

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