Edible Thoughts Goes on the Road

Lafayette, here we come!

Lafayette, here we come!

Later this week Julian and I leave for Europe for a long-overdue vacation. We first land in Amsterdam to visit his cousins. We then take a train to Paris for a week in a rented apartment. Our friend Roger will be joining us, which means much silliness will ensue. We’ll rent a car and hightail it to the southwestern part of France, so we can visit tiny medieval towns en route to our final two days in Lyon.

Preparations for this trip were only slightly less complicated than the D-Day invasion. We (rather, Julian) booked our plane and train tickets and reserved hotel rooms months in advance. We have two catsitters lined up, as one will be out of town Memorial Day weekend.We had a scare last week when we hadn’t heard from the apartment owner to arrange the key handoff. Luckily, that got reconciled. One of the last loose ends was getting transportation to the airport. Our current home is off the beaten path for most taxis and shuttles. We finally found a driver who will take us to and from the airport for less than the usual limo service.

Expect periodic posts from us, with photos and commentary on food, current events, and general hilarity.


Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/05/17/edible-thoughts-goes-on-the-road/

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