May 26, 2015 archive

What Were They Thinking?!?

This afternoon we went to the Louvre to walk around the plaza. Many people believe that the I.M. Pei-designed pyramids are a stain on the museum, but this trumps anything I could imagine: Louis XIV, the guy on the horse, is doing cartwheels in his grave.

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Ah, Paris!

We arrived in Paris in the early afternoon. We applied several lessons learned from our previous trip here four years ago: Always buy Métro tickets from a human being rather than a machine; Ignore any solicitations; and Build up your upper body strength before the trip so you can haul your suitcases upstairs. The French …

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The Paris Bike Culture

You don’t see as many bikes on main streets in Paris as you do in Amsterdam. There’s a simple reason: The drivers are maniacs! Nobody wants to be somebody’s hood ornament. Cyclists tend to stick to side streets where they have a better chance of survival.

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