Cornfields in France

futurefoiegrasCorn is not a major ingredient in French cuisine except in the Basque country. So how come we saw corn fields in the Dordogne Valley? Two words: Foie gras. Corn is a key component of overfeeding ducks and geese to produce the fatty liver that’s such a delicacy in the region. Julian had some duck foie gras the night we spent in Domme. I’ll admit it was good. Would I eat it on a regular basis? No, courtesy of its calorie content and cost.

There is a human analog to foie gras that may also involve corn. Excessive consumption of high-fructose corn syrup with overindulgence of calories may contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in people. The fructose can be converted to fat, which can build up in the liver because it can’t be exported to the blood fast enough. So in essence, you may be developing your own foie gras. Something to consider next time you stop for a large soda.

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