Salade Compostée

Last night I tried a duck gizzard salad that Julian had found on the web. It’s a rather involved recipe for a weeknight. First you blanch julienned carrots and marinate them in a red wine vinegar brine. Then you sauté some leeks. Following that, you make a vinaigrette with pears. You wash some greens and get them ready to toss with all of the ingredients. So far, so good. Then you fry the gizzards. Even using less olive oil than the recipe called for in a non-stick pan, the gizzards were greasy beyond belief. I could only eat a couple. The rest of the salad was fine. I added some cooked frozen edamame to the vegetables for lunch today, and Julian used the rest of the components in a potato salad tonight. As for the leftover duck gizzards–straight to the compost bin.

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