Yippee for Yakima Peaches!

The first Yakima peaches have arrived at the fruit stand around the corner from our home. They beat by a mile the glorified bocce balls that get trucked here from California–and are cheaper. I vetoed buying some organic peaches that were on sale yesterday because they were unripe, rock-hard, and non-peachy-smelling. No amount of time in a paper bag on the counter would redeem them. The reputation of Yakima peaches has even spread to the bed and breakfast in France where we stayed last month.

Who knew they know from Yakima peaches in France?

Who knew they know from Yakima peaches in France?

Yes, there is a One True Cobbler® in our near future–if the weather gets cool enough so I can turn on the oven.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/07/04/yippee-for-yakima-peaches/

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