The Ideal Gas-Bag Law

Some of you may remember the Ideal Gas Law equation from your days in general chemistry. Then again, maybe you slept through that class. I’ll refresh your memory:


Research at the Edible Thoughts Laboratory has developed a parallel equation, The Ideal Gas-Bag Law. This explains the state of a gas-bag at any given time. The variables are a little different, but the equation is the same.

P stands for pressure, just as with the original equation. Here pressure can be taken as pressure to increase puny poll numbers or get attention.

V stands for venue. A town hall meeting in Keokuk, Iowa or Cheraw, South Carolina is a nice thing to do, but maximum exposure is critical. A large rally at a big city auditorium is much better.

N stands for number of cameras and microphones at the venue. Remember the old adage about the tree falling in the forest. This falling tree is going viral on YouTube!

R stands for the need to raise money. This can be considered a constant, similar to the original equation.

T stands for timing. The Sunday morning talk shows are perfect timing; failing that, make news by mid-day Monday through Friday so all of the media outlets can lead with it on the evening news. NEVER make news after 7 pm Pacific Time on a Friday night. Folks on the East Coast are sleeping, and those on the West Coast are out on the town and not paying attention.

The beauty of this equation is its scalability from local to national elections. I’ll leave it to you to do the math.

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