4 AM Feline Fracas

Sometimes we can sleep through the night without the pitter-patter of 8 feet bouncing around the bed. Not so this morning. Our elder statescat, Luka, started a sequence of doing laps around the pillows, burrowing under the covers, emerging from under the covers, and repeating his actions. After a few reps, I got him to stay under the covers and settle down for a nap. Shortly thereafter, Neli decided to jump on the bed and pounce on the lump that consisted of Luka. He resurfaced and chased after her. Yes, the thought of closing them out of the bedroom has occurred to us. That could allow them to foment more chaos that we wouldn’t discover until the next morning.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/09/05/4-am-feline-fracas/

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