More Rainy-Day Haikus

What’s the deal with haikus, you ask? I think they’re a perfect poetry practice for scientific writers. One has to stuff maximum meaning in only seventeen syllables. Anyone who’s had to fit the results of a research project into a little box for a meeting abstract knows exactly what I mean. Monday was another rainy, traffic-clogged day on the bus, so it was time to write a few more haikus.

Welcome to Winter

Dark at 6 am.

Dark again at 4 pm.

The Sun? What is that?

Dead Giveaway

You can always tell

Folks just back from Hawaii:

Serious sunburns.

Too Much Time on My Hands

Killing time again.

Counting the cannabis shops

On Lake City Way.

And a more sober haiku:

There are many paths

To walk humbly with thy god.

Mass murder’s not one.


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