November 30, 2015 archive

Lizard on a Stick!

Friends, I can’t make this stuff up. On our trips to Vancouver’s Chinatown, we’ve noticed an offering that we’ve never seen in any other Chinatown south of the border: Lizard on a Stick. Nobody can explain what it’s used for, either in herbal medicine or cuisine. They resemble fans, and come two on a stick …

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No Comments, Alas

It has come to my attention that folks who want to leave comments about some of my posts haven’t been able to do so. My site administrator (Julian) is aware of this and will attempt to fix the issue once he can get a human being on the WordPress help line.

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North of the Border

We’re spending a few days in Vancouver. The main reason is to catch up with a couple I knew during my postdoc days in Dallas. They live in Nova Scotia and don’t get west of Ontario very often. However, we don’t  need much of an excuse to visit Vancouver. It’s less than three hours away …

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