December 2015 archive

Do the Time Warp Again

This post has nothing whatsoever to do with the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I’m one of about 6 people in my age group who’s never seen that film, mostly because this farm girl’s usually asleep at midnight. (How come theaters never have matinee showings of this movie?) Today we went to a bank in our …

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Bacon Baklava?!?

[To my observant Jewish, Muslim, and vegetarian readers: You might want to find less incendiary posts to peruse, like the ones on firearms.] Sunset magazine is one of my go-to reads for recipes. Every so often, it publishes a recipe that goes above and beyond the pale. Last year’s was bacon baklava. I saw the …

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A Quiet Dinner

After three straight nights of partying with our friends, it was definitely time for a dinner à deux. Julian roasted an unrolled boneless leg of lamb similar to what I described in one of my earliest posts, although he did it in the oven rather than on the grill. He made the mint-red wine vinegar …

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This Year’s Cookbooks

It’s good to live with someone who’s willing to enable my cookbook habit. Even spookier, Julian knew which two cookbooks were at the top of my list: The Food Lab plays into my geek side. (Remember, science is my day job.) Zahav, on the other hand, covers the breadth of Israeli cooking with some non-traditional …

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One Menu to Feed Them All

Last night was the annual Christmas Eve dinner/white elephant extravaganza. Tonight we’re making duck à l’orange for a smaller crowd. There are still the food allergy land mines, but we’ve found a menu that avoids gluten, alliums, walnuts, and zucchini: Guacamole without onion/garlic and corn chips Duck à l’Orange Roasted brussels sprouts Salad Brown/wild rice …

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So This is Christmas…

Last week I went to my usual salon to get my hair cut. Lena had the All Christmas radio station playing. Most of the songs are so overplayed that I’ve considered wearing noise-cancelling headphones around town throughout December. Then, just as I was leaving the shop, I heard the voice of John Lennon singing his …

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A Few Further Words on Firearms

I wrote the previous post on firearms two weeks ago. In the meantime, I learned details of the event that inspired the post. On December 6, a man who had a long criminal record hijacked a car at gunpoint in downtown Seattle. He led the police on a high-speed chase through several neighborhoods and carjacked a …

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Feeding Between the Lines, Holiday Edition

An additional food allergy land mine has appeared among our friends. The youngest member of the Friday night crew has been diagnosed with gluten intolerance and egg allergy. This is indeed problematic, since many gluten-free bread recipes rely on egg protein to provide a semblance of structure. And meringue cookies are now verboten for the …

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The Treyfecta

The three main Jewish dietary laws are: No consumption of meat from land animals without cloven hooves and that do not chew cud. The principal meat eliminated here is pork. No consumption of aquatic animals that lack fins and scales. This eliminates shellfish. No consumption of meat and dairy foods at the same meal. Foods …

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In the Bag

Our cats have a thing for catnip. Over the years we’ve utilized the bag method to deliver their fix. Here’s the recipe: Get a paper grocery bag. Cut off the handles, if any. Crumble a few pinches of catnip into the bottom of the bag. Set the bag on its side on the floor, and …

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