So This is Christmas…

Last week I went to my usual salon to get my hair cut. Lena had the All Christmas radio station playing. Most of the songs are so overplayed that I’ve considered wearing noise-cancelling headphones around town throughout December. Then, just as I was leaving the shop, I heard the voice of John Lennon singing his message of peace on Earth and good will to all. He cut through the chestnuts, sleigh bells, and snow men to the core of the holiday.

Today an editorial in The New York Times also brought me back to the optimism that Christmas and the New Year should engender. Here’s the link to the piece, but the last paragraph bears reprinting:

“Evil is everywhere, and anger and hatred are loud. The shouting drowns out the quiet; tragedy and disaster block the view of the good. Yet there are always signs of progress toward a better future. Look, or you may miss them.”

Merry Christmas.

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