Bacon Baklava?!?

[To my observant Jewish, Muslim, and vegetarian readers: You might want to find less incendiary posts to peruse, like the ones on firearms.]
Sunset magazine is one of my go-to reads for recipes. Every so often, it publishes a recipe that goes above and beyond the pale. Last year’s was bacon baklava.
I saw the recipe in the December issue and thought, this is way too weird. It reminded me of the now-legendary Bacon Explosion recipe that appeared in The New York Times several years ago. Julian’s reaction was the same. A couple of days later, my occasional officemate Deb brought in a foil-wrapped package. She said, “I just had to try this new recipe from Sunset.”
I knew exactly which one. “You didn’t!” I exclaimed.
“I did!” Deb replied with a laugh.

Never ones to turn down a treat, my coworkers and I gave it a try. The best response was “It’s so wrong it’s right!” We also took samples home to our respective spouses. Julian was dubious, as he always is, but became convert enough to make it for one of our holiday get-togethers.

Here is the link to the recipe. In essence, the bacon partially replaces some walnuts in a traditional baklava recipe. In deference to our walnut-allergic friends, I recall Julian used pecans. Instead of a sugar syrup, warm orange marmalade is poured over the top at the end of baking. One small piece is guaranteed to fill you up. [Scientific reason: Fat slows stomach emptying.] This is NOT a low-fat recipe. Remember it did not come out of Cooking Light or Weight Watchers; therefore, pace yourself.

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