Sunny Saturday Morning

As I mentioned in the last post, it’s been a record-setting winter for rain hereabouts. So when I saw the Sun out this morning and there was no frost on the golf course, I decided it was high time to get on the bike.

Usually my first ride of the season is the relatively flat route to Redmond via the Sammamish River Trail. Instead, I took a shorter ride to Lake Forest Park and back on the Burke-Gilman Trail. This direction has two advantages: I can visit the stores in the Lake Forest Park shopping center, and I get a good view of Lake Washington at Log Boom Park. An additional, albeit temporary, advantage is that 68th Avenue across the trail is closed. Lots of other bicyclists, walkers, and joggers had the same idea as I did this morning. The bald eagles were observing the action from their perches above the trail, no doubt looking for a Yorkshire terrier to carry off for lunch.

Today’s mission, in addition to getting me out of the house and onto the bike, involved searching for non-frozen chicken livers. Since many grocery stores don’t sell many of them, it’s hard to find packages that aren’t in the freezer case. Fortunately, the Haggen in Lake Forest Park had them. I also picked up some onions and mushrooms. The fate of these ingredients will be disclosed in the next post.

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