Another Not-for-the-Better Change

Last Sunday we were on our usual caffeine run in downtown Seattle. Once we got Julian’s fix of choice at Caffe d’Arte, we were going to swing by the Penzey’s store around the corner and pick up a couple of things. QUELLE HORREUR!!! The store closed January 10th! Most of the spices and dried herbs in our kitchen come from Penzey’s. We do have other spice shops in/near Pike Place Market. I can’t go into Market Spice because the stench of their most popular tea (think Bigelow’s Constant Comment on steroids) gives me a migraine. World Spice is a block up from the Spanish Table. It has a wide selection that turns over quickly, as many of the restaurants in town buy from it.

I guess I’ll have to go back to ordering my Penzey’s supplies online; failing that, we can visit one of their stores in the greater Portland area.  (Hey, any excuse to go to Powell’s Books and Pok Pok.)

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