
Last month I suffered through my first (and, I hope, last) bout of shingles. As you all know from watching the commercials featuring Terry Bradshaw, the chickenpox virus (Herpes zoster, not the Herpes simplex that causes cold sores) hangs out in your central nervous system until you get a bit stressed. Then it comes out to play and makes your life miserable. I had some awkward pain on the right side of my trunk. It first felt like a muscle strain. Then the ice-pick-in-the-back sensation hit. The rash appeared several days later, only on the right side of my lower ribcage. As a result, it took me a while to discern what might be happening.

I ruled in the possibility of shingles on a Saturday night. I wasn’t feeling bad enough to go to the emergency room, so I did the next best thing: Call a doctor friend, who confirmed my suspicions. He phoned in prescriptions for an antiviral drug and a nerve blocker. He also recommended colloidal oatmeal baths, where the oatmeal is ground finer than sand.

It took about three weeks, but the rash and pain finally left. I alternated taking the nerve blocker with over-the-counter naproxen, since I don’t do opioids well and needed a clear brain for work. I only took two oatmeal baths, but I also bought an oatmeal body wash for the shower. Both helped to tame the rash. I also turned on the Jacuzzi and let the jets pummel my pain into submission. I used the tub more in two weeks than in the prior three years we’ve lived here.

I asked my doctor about getting the shingles vaccine at my appointment today. She said it probably wouldn’t give me any additional benefit this year, since my immune system is ramped up after last month’s attack. However, next year I can get it. The additional advantage will be that I’ll be at the magic age when the insurance company will pay for the vaccine. I just hope that the viruses stay at bay that long.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2016/04/02/di-zoster/

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