May 2016 archive

Hail, Hail, Dystopia!

Some of my friends in the Friday Night Follies crew are fond of reading books and watching television series on dystopian futures. Fans of Game of Thrones are into dystopian pasts. What, the dystopian present isn’t bad enough???

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Teriyaki restaurants are the Seattle equivalent of fried chicken shacks in the South. They are ubiquitous in the region. The original Japanese method of teriyaki is to marinate meat in a sweet soy-based sauce, then grill or broil it. Hereabouts, the predominant method is to grill the marinated meat and pour more sauce over the …

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Weirdness on the Walk to Work

On nice days between April and November when I ride the bus to work, I walk the ten blocks from the bus stop to my office. It’s a pleasant walk through the Seattle University area, and a little exercise in the morning wakes me up. Today I saw two unusual items on my walk: A …

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Be Green: Save the Greens

So you’re at a Vietnamese restaurant. Your dinner comes with a plate of assorted herbs, bean sprouts, and the like to garnish your pho. You may only use a few of the greens. Save the leftovers from going into the compost bin or trash: Take them home and use them for another meal or two. …

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Seven Beef

Julian spent Friday afternoon at the REI sale while I was toiling away at the hospital. When he picked me up, the inevitable question arose: What’s for dinner? I had no desire to go downtown because traffic would be slammed thanks to the Billy Joel concert at Safeco Field. Capitol Hill would be full of …

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[My vegetarian and observant Jewish and Muslim readers might like to read a less incendiary post, like Lizard on a Stick.] Feijoada is the national dish of Brazil. It consists of assorted pork products in a black bean base. Most recipes are heavier on the pork than the beans. The full experience, known as feijoada …

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Avoid White Sauces

By now my regular readers know of my aversion to mayonnaise. It’s time to explain my dislike of cream sauces, or bêchamel to the classically trained. White sauces were big in my mother’s recipe repertoire when I was a kid. Maybe it was because Grandma was a home ec teacher before she got married. Mom …

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Eating at the Mall

Remember when shopping at a mall was a big deal? Times have indeed changed, as have tastes. Nowadays going to the mall ranks with a root canal–it may be necessary, but you don’t pretend to enjoy it. Eating at the mall has also become an unpleasant chore. The food offerings are similar regardless of the …

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Riding the (Light) Rails

Seattle has had a light rail system for several years that connects downtown with the airport. Only recently has it expanded to Capitol Hill and the University District. Yesterday I used the train for the first time as part of my bike commute. The infrastructure for the light rail expansion involved more than just digging …

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