Where Have All the Ducklings (and Goslings) Gone?

One of the attractions of our home is the Sammamish River that runs behind it. Many species of birds call the river home for at least part of the year. In previous springs the river has been a veritable nursery of young waterfowl. This year I’ve only seen one clutch of four mallard ducklings. The photos below were taken in previous years.

Mergansers on the river. Taken by Julian two years ago.

Mergansers on the river. Taken by Julian two years ago.

Mother goose and goslings. Taken by Julian.

Mother goose and goslings. Taken by Julian.

The reason for the dearth of baby birds this year is unknown. It was a mild winter, so climate change could be partially to blame. I can’t imagine that the neighborhood coyotes and eagles ate them all. A more ominous cause may lie uphill. Several new housing developments have gone up in the watershed that feeds the Sammamish. The chemicals used in the construction or seeding of the developments could have leached into the creek. Alternately, soil runoff from the construction could have choked off the food sources for these birds. Input from bird experts would be most welcome.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2016/05/04/where-have-all-the-ducklings-and-goslings-gone/

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