So you’re at a Vietnamese restaurant. Your dinner comes with a plate of assorted herbs, bean sprouts, and the like to garnish your pho. You may only use a few of the greens. Save the leftovers from going into the compost bin or trash: Take them home and use them for another meal or two. …
May 21, 2016 archive
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May 21
Seven Beef
Julian spent Friday afternoon at the REI sale while I was toiling away at the hospital. When he picked me up, the inevitable question arose: What’s for dinner? I had no desire to go downtown because traffic would be slammed thanks to the Billy Joel concert at Safeco Field. Capitol Hill would be full of …
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May 21
As Seen in Sunset
Our little town of Bothell has made the big time. The June issue of Sunset magazine had an article on our little town and its restaurant/microbrew scene. Now this was in the Seattle regional edition, but you can probably find the article on the Sunset website. The article lists restaurants and pubs in the downtown …
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