May 2016 archive

Goslings at Last

Last night we finally saw two gaggles of goslings with their parents in the back yard. One set of five were little peeps; the other set of five still had their fluff, but were acquiring a more adult body type. Perhaps nesting season is late this year.

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Where Have All the Ducklings (and Goslings) Gone?

One of the attractions of our home is the Sammamish River that runs behind it. Many species of birds call the river home for at least part of the year. In previous springs the river has been a veritable nursery of young waterfowl. This year I’ve only seen one clutch of four mallard ducklings. The …

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Cottonwood Season

Around May, those of us who live near bodies of water suddenly find the air full of puffy white things that look more like dandelion seeds on steroids. These contain cottonwood seeds. In some areas the trees are so plentiful that the cottonwood puffs coalesce to form tumbleweed-type balls a couple of inches in diameter. …

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