Cranberries in June

Last Saturday we had the usual get-together with our friends. The host family has three gluten-intolerant members, and one with an egg allergy. This required some ingenuity to figure out how to feed between the lines. Luckily, I looked in the freezer and found two bags of cranberries left over from the holidays. Since the main dish was Copper River salmon, a cranberry-orange relish sounded like a good idea.
You can always buy a can or jar of cranberry-orange relish, but making your own is insanely simple. All you do is grind the berries and an orange (with peel) in the food processor, add a little sugar, and chill. You can alter the amount of sugar to your taste, or use a substitute if you’re feeding folks who are watching their carb intake. You can add different flavors, spices, or a little booze. I did none of the above, since we had kids and non-drinkers in attendance.

The relish was a big hit, even in June. It cut through the richness of the salmon very well. Next December, buy a couple extra bags of cranberries and stash them in the freezer for a summer surprise.

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