August 2016 archive

Map App Muddles

Map applications can be a godsend in unfamiliar areas. We relied on one last year when we were driving around France, and will do so this year. However, map apps aren’t perfect. They often don’t warn you about road construction, or they direct you on a bizarre route. They also may not give you an …

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Coming Distractions

Next week Edible Thoughts embarks on another sojourn to France. Our first stop is Lyon, where we spent two days at the end of our trip last year. As promised, we’re renting a flat so we can cook with some of the ingredients from the weekend market. After Lyon, we hit the road for points …

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Distinguishing the Tourists from the Locals in Seattle

It’s high tourist season in Seattle. Cruise ships disgorge their human cargo upon returning from Alaska. Would-be hipsters from Sheboygan, Savannah, and Seagoville arrive in search of legal recreational weed (or to attend Hempfest, which happened to be this weekend). Discerning between the two groups at Pike Place Market is easy. Definitely a Local Parks …

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Even the Trees are Sweating

It’s been a hot couple of days here. The National Weather Service has issued a severe heat warning through tonight. This morning I noticed an odd thing on the big Douglas fir off our deck: Sap drizzling down the cones. The sap resembles an icicle, but no self-respecting bit of ice could last more than …

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Feeding Between the Lines, BBQ Edition

As I’ve mentioned before on this blog, many of our friends have food allergies, intolerances, and aversions. This can make menu-planning a bit of a minefield. However, last night’s barbecue at Casa Sammamish was a high water mark. Most of the main offerings accommodated everyone (or we had alternatives). Julian wanted to barbecue some ribs …

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Weekend at Mount Baker

If your idea of a good day hike is encountering busloads of tourists going to the souvenir shops, go to Paradise at Mount Rainier or Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park. Mount Baker National Forest is a more rustic experience. Most of the hiking trails are unpaved. Access to the trailheads is not for the …

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