Feeding Between the Lines, BBQ Edition

As I’ve mentioned before on this blog, many of our friends have food allergies, intolerances, and aversions. This can make menu-planning a bit of a minefield. However, last night’s barbecue at Casa Sammamish was a high water mark. Most of the main offerings accommodated everyone (or we had alternatives).
Julian wanted to barbecue some ribs for the crew. We’d made a recipe with Thai mango sauce from Hugh Carpenter’s Ribs cookbook, and thought it would be suitable for the feast. The sauce was naturally gluten- and egg-free. We left out the garlic from the recipe to allow the allium-intolerant person to try them. We also purchased some hamburger and portabello mushrooms in case the ribs were too weird for the kids. I made a fennel salad with orange and teardrop grapes (purple seedless grapes that are shaped like tiny icicles). Others brought allium-free salads and guacamole. We had gluten-free burger buns for the intolerant/allergic kids. The mom of said children made gluten-free, egg-free peanut butter cookies. (Fortunately, we don’t have any peanut allergies in our group–yet.) And we even had a zucchini-free meal to satisfy Julian and the other summer squash-averse men.

As is typical at these get-togethers, nobody starved. We had plenty of beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages for everyone. The conversation was abundant. We watched some of the Olympics, mostly on CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Company). We sent the remaining gluten-free buns home with the kids and their parents. Best of all, we have leftovers of the ribs, barbecue sauce, and salad for tonight’s dinner.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2016/08/14/feeding-between-the-lines-bbq-edition/

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