September 2, 2016 archive

Lollygagging around Lyon

We landed in Lyon mid-day on Thursday and successfully negotiated the trains from the airport to the rental flat. Once we dropped off our luggage, it was time to explore. The city is very walkable, in some ways even more so than Paris. On the Presqu’Ile (the peninsula between the Rhône and Saône Rivers where …

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Seen on a Building in Lyon

This goes out to all my Star Wars geek friends. You know who you are…For those of you who’ve forgotten your high school French, it says: “Anakin Skywalker was not born in this house, never lived here, and didn’t die here, either.”

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Gallows Humor

The French have an interesting relationship with their heritage. Witness this product we saw in a Lyon kitchen store window yesterday: Julian said it should have been designed vertically so the blade drops and the slice of sausage drops into a wicker basket.

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