September 4, 2016 archive

The Local Soundtrack

I’ve noticed some very unusual music choices in restaurants and in our hotel dining room. It must be a local radio station that plays predominantly American popular music. We’ve heard everything from disco to Cab Calloway. In one restaurant we heard Louis Armstrong’s version of La Vie en Rose. Quelle sacrilège! No Edith Piaf? No …

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Peking Duck in Lyon

La Cuisine Lyonnaise is pretty heavy on the cream and pork fat. After several days we were in need of a soy sauce fix. We found a Chinese restaurant on the east side of the Rhône called Engimono. It’s a small place with more tables on the outside than inside. We ordered the menu for …

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Swan One, Dog Zero

Swans are known to be quite territorial. My pre-grad school boss used to be terrorized by the swans on the lake abutting his property while he was mowing the lawn. Last night as we were walking on the quay back from dinner, we saw a Jack Russell Terrier (resembling the late Uggy of The Artist) …

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Equal Time

It occurred to me that there may be male readers of this blog who count themselves in the Cult of Cute Shoes. Granted, none of you has fessed up, but I’m posting this just for you. This is the display of a shoe store around the corner from our hotel in Lyon.

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More for my Cronies in the Cult of Cute Shoes

Don’t drool over these too much, ladies. These are 1/3 to 1/2 scale models that reside in a museum of miniatures and film. On our way back to the hotel last night we passed a store with these boots for sale: Note the relatively diminutive heel on the furry ones. You can tell this shop …

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