The Local Soundtrack

I’ve noticed some very unusual music choices in restaurants and in our hotel dining room. It must be a local radio station that plays predominantly American popular music. We’ve heard everything from disco to Cab Calloway. In one restaurant we heard Louis Armstrong’s version of La Vie en Rose. Quelle sacrilège! No Edith Piaf? No Johnny Halliday? The Chinese restaurant we ate at tonight was playing The Eagles’ Greatest Hits album. I was surprised not to hear any British music (i.e., Beatles or Rolling Stones). Maybe this is their way of protesting the Brexit vote.

Yesterday as we were wandering around Vieux Lyon, I heard a brass band playing Jungle Boogie. We investigated further and found this motley crew playing in a park near the Cathedral of St. Jean.

From disco to klezmer, this band was hot.

From disco to klezmer, this band was hot.

After Jungle Boogie, they broke into a long klezmer tune staged as a gang rumble. The trombonist on the far right “killed” the clarinetist lying on the ground. (She lived to play another day.) This was by far the most fun street music I’d seen in quite a while. They earned our contribution to their open chest.

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