The Apogee of Applesauce

Along with cranberry orange relish and two loaves of bread, I made applesauce on Thanksgiving. It did not go to our friends’ house. A day or so later Julian asked, “What did you do to this batch of applesauce?” Usually when he asks a question like that about one of my creations, it’s because he hated it. Not this time: “That was the best batch you’ve ever made! You’ve got to record this for posterity.” Okay, here it is.

I used Braeburn apples; in addition, there was an unidentified apple in the fridge that needed to be used. We didn’t have any cider in the house, so I used water as the liquid. I threw in a handful of crystallized ginger and a cinnamon stick. Finally, I squeezed in the juice of a whole lemon. Just for fun, I threw in the rinds of said lemon. The rest of the method is identical to my earlier post on applesauce. The lemon rinds got thrown into the food mill along with the softened apples.This was worth repeating.

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