First Sunny Saturday

My mantra has always been that it’s a sin to waste a sunny day in Seattle – and in Bothell. After the snow, ice, and heavy rain of the last week, my first impulse was to get out of the house. To be fair, the Saturday of the Women’s March had spots of sun, but it was bracketed by rain.

We had to make a run to a shoe store to buy some loafers for Julian to wear until he can tie his shoes again. On the road we saw dogs hanging their heads out of car windows with their tongues flapping in the breeze. I saw a convertible with its top down. Luckily, I didn’t see any “50°, shirt’s off guys” today. (This slogan was part of an ad campaign for a local insurance company, highlighting the quirks of many Northwest residents.)

After we got back from our shoe run, I went out for a walk through Blyth Park and on the Sammamish River Trail. I was joined by numerous bicyclists, rollerbladers, dog-walkers, and baby carriage-pushers. The wetlands between the road to the park and the trail are being redeveloped as an improved habitat for salmon. Kids were feeding the freeloaders ducks by the footbridge to Gateway Park. On my way home, I saw a ’57 Chevy two-tone all tricked out for Valentine’s Day. A most pleasant February stroll.

Maybe tomorrow, weather permitting, I’ll dust off my bike and take a quick spin.

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