Spring is in the Air

Two items that indicate the groundhog was wrong when he predicted six more weeks of winter this year:

  • There’s a certain aroma you can detect when spring bulbs are sprouting, even before they bloom. It smells like daffodils. I’ve detected this aroma in several places where I know bulbs will appear. No flowers yet, but the aroma is pretty heady.
  • My nieces and nephews are carrying on my brother-in-law’s ritual of making maple syrup. Stan wasn’t able to do it last year because of his cancer diagnosis. The kids are already tapping the trees on the property. According to my sister, they got 15 gallons of sap yesterday. This seems a little early to me; I remember folks not being able to tap trees until March or April when I was growing up. Climate change at work?

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2017/02/19/spring-is-in-the-air/

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