Cats and Cell Phones: A Dangerous Combination

Our younger cat, Neli, is fixated by Julian’s cell phone. She’ll sit next to it on his desk and wait for the whistles that indicate he has a new email. He loaded an interactive app that produces ripples on the screen when you touch it with a finger (or a paw).

Neli, the multilingual cat.

Today Julian was in the midst of sending a text to a friend when said friend called on our land line. He sat the cell phone down on the desk. Neli walked over to the cell phone and started pawing on the screen. Most of this is what she “wrote”:

We The tgrrcbñiljp

I’m not sure if she’s learned a vowel-deficient language or what. Getting the ñ in was an interesting touch. We live in fear that she’ll discover the url for the Pike Place Fish Market and order a halibut to be delivered.

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