Brunch Conversation

I got home from church as Julian was eating his bagel, cream cheese, and lox. I heated up some leftovers and joined him at the table. He was reading an article on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in the newspaper. This is where one goes all-out on an aerobic exercise for a short period of time, then backs off and puts forth more moderate effort for a longer time. This is repeated several times during a workout. I do a variant of this in the pool when I pass a fellow swimmer: I go full tilt to pass the person, then cool down once I’m clear – or to avoid colliding with another swimmer. According to scientific literature, HIIT can improve weight loss and reverse age-related changes. Julian asked, “Is it considered HIIT when I stuff french fries in my face in a short period of time, then drink my Pepsi slowly, then cram more french fries in?” I gave him the eye roll. He continued: “Hey, I’d be lifting my arm to my face!”

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