May 2017 archive

Olympic Feats

We went to the Olympic Peninsula for the day on Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. For you readers Back East, the standard elementary school map depiction of Washington state resembles a hitchhiker’s fist. The “thumb” is the Olympic Peninsula. There are a few small cities, but most of the peninsula is occupied by Olympic National …

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The Last Ride

Now that I’ve inherited Julian’s bike, the Bianchi (aka Harvietta) needed to be passed on to another rider. Some of you recall that I inherited Harvietta from my friend and grad school roommate Jennifer when she had to choose between riding a recumbent and giving up rock-climbing with her dad. Jennifer commuted on the bike …

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First Bike Commute of the Year

I finally took the bike to work today. Between the dislocated pinky and the rainy seasons, I hadn’t done so in nine months. Today was a bit different. I have a new ride: Julian bestowed his bike on me. It rides well and weighs much less than my old bike, but I do miss the …

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A Year in the Life of the Early-Morning Lap Swimmers

Over the years, I’ve noticed a certain pattern in the comings and goings of my fellow swimmers. January: The New Years’ resolutioneers arrive. February: 50% of the New Years’ resolutioneers are no longer swimming. March: 90% of the New Years’ resolutioneers are no longer swimming. April: The first wave of triathlon trainees arrive. May: The …

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Rant of the Day

I grew up in an area of upstate New York near Lake Ontario that’s known for fertile bottom land, affectionately referred to as muck by the locals. Onions grow spectacularly well in this soil. Many of the kids I went to school with had families in the onion-farming and shipping business. So my question for …

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A Resonant Quote

I’ve been reading a lot of history lately. It helps me make sense of the world and reassures me that, despite overwhelming chaos, things can turn out for the better. I just finished A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I’ve always been a fan of Mrs. Roosevelt, and …

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Déjà Vu All Over Again

(I apologize to the late, legendary Yogi Berra in advance.) The Watergate break-in and cover-up occurred while I was in high school. I remember watching the Senate Watergate Committee hearings and the House Impeachment Committee deliberations. My friend Lee Anne wore an “Impeachment with Honor” t-shirt in the senior play picture for the yearbook. She …

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One of the highlights of living at Casa Sammamish is seeing the plethora of wildlife. This year we’ve been watching a nesting pair of Canada geese and their six offspring. The goslings are eating machines. They’ve at least doubled their size in the last week. Last Friday night there was a panic for the little …

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Luka is Ten

Luka is our elder statescat. His full Cat Fanciers’ Association name is Velva’s Luka Get Off the Table. He lives up to that moniker on a regular basis. He’s also a serious lap – and shoulder – cat. We got Luka as a kitten from a breeder in Ohio. We’d just lost our first Russian …

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Random Access Musings

These are little snippets of life that don’t add up to full posts on their own. Why is it that the voice on the Metro bus pronounces Seneca as Senokot? Maybe it’s because you’re guaranteed to lose sphincter control if your car’s brakes die going down Seneca Street in Seattle? As I recall, Seneca Street …

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