Random Access Musings

These are little snippets of life that don’t add up to full posts on their own.

Why is it that the voice on the Metro bus pronounces Seneca as Senokot? Maybe it’s because you’re guaranteed to lose sphincter control if your car’s brakes die going down Seneca Street in Seattle? As I recall, Seneca Street in Ithaca is also of similar steepness, although you won’t land in salt water at the end.

In an early post, I introduced the acronym RTFR. The other night we had an experience of RTFL (Read the *&^%ing Label). Julian thought a bag of raisins was a bag of prunes. Had he bothered to RTFL, he would have known better.

You know you’re working in a cube farm when the handicapped stall in the ladies’ room has more square footage than your work space.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2017/05/04/random-access-musings/


    • Admin on May 5, 2017 at 12:35 am
    • Reply

    Words to the wise: “Don’t diss your site admin.”

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