Rant of the Day

I grew up in an area of upstate New York near Lake Ontario that’s known for fertile bottom land, affectionately referred to as muck by the locals. Onions grow spectacularly well in this soil. Many of the kids I went to school with had families in the onion-farming and shipping business. So my question for Seattle-area grocery stores is simple: Why are the onions and garlic here so bad? Are they shipped 3000 miles? Not stored properly? I have to pick through mounds of onions to find one that’s mold-free. As for the garlic, it can be hard to find heads that don’t have rotting or sprouting cloves.  It doesn’t matter which grocery store I go to, the onions are in sad shape. Maybe our growing friends in the Skagit Valley can repurpose their fields to grow onions after the tulips are done blooming.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2017/05/13/rant-of-the-day/

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