A Year in the Life of the Early-Morning Lap Swimmers

Over the years, I’ve noticed a certain pattern in the comings and goings of my fellow swimmers.
January: The New Years’ resolutioneers arrive.
February: 50% of the New Years’ resolutioneers are no longer swimming.
March: 90% of the New Years’ resolutioneers are no longer swimming.
April: The first wave of triathlon trainees arrive.
May: The second, more desperate wave of triathlon trainees arrive.
June: The folks who belong to private outdoor pools leave for the summer.
July: The triathlon trainees leave to start open-water training.
August: The quiet month, as many regulars fit in vacation before school starts. The pool sometimes closes this month for regular maintenance.
September: The folks who belong to private outdoor pools return. New lifeguards often appear.
October, November: The high school swimmers arrive to practice as we leave.
December: The annual Burgermaster breakfast.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2017/05/14/a-year-in-the-life-of-the-early-morning-lap-swimmers/


    • Sandra Perkins on May 21, 2017 at 4:39 pm
    • Reply

    As one of Cindy’s fellow swimmers (in the medium lane), I can confirm her description is accurate! I hope to see more entries about life at the pool!

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