More Change, not for the Better

We went downtown on our usual caffeine run today. It’s high tourist season here. Pike Place Market was slammed. As we approached Julian’s coffee shop of choice, Caffe d’Arte, I noticed it looked strangely vacant. We read the sign on the door: Last day of business at the location on 2nd Ave and Stewart Street was May 3. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! We knew the building was doomed to become another soulless high rise, but the demolition date kept being pushed back.

When the salesperson at the Perennial Tea Room asked how we were, I said I was fine but Julian was in mourning because Caffe d’Arte had closed. She sympathized – even tea ladies in Seattle drink coffee from time to time. After getting my tea, we walked down to the new location at Pioneer Square (Yesler Street and 1st Avenue). Although it’s a bit of a schlep from our usual haunts, the new store has more room for both staff and customers. They also invested in new espresso machines. One of the baristas gave Julian a close-up view of one of the machines. The extra walk to the new store gives us an excuse to splurge on calories, especially if we stop at the Paris-Madrid Grocery and have to climb the Harbor Steps on the way back to the car.

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