Upper Deck Dinner

I’ve been doing much of the cooking lately, courtesy of Julian’s cataract surgeries. They went well, but his current eyeglass prescription has been rendered moot. Last night I grilled some chicken thighs, eggplant, and home-grown Padron peppers. Three of the peppers and 1/4 of the eggplant were left over. In addition, I had to whack back my Italian basil plants. So tonight’s dinner was pasta with pesto and a mixed veggie salad.

I’ve been making pesto for years, so no recipe was needed. I buzzed 2 cups of basil leaves, 4 cloves of garlic, a hunk of Parmesan cheese, some pine nuts from the freezer, and some olive oil in the food processor. I got the pasta boiling and worked on the salad. I sliced the peppers and scooped the eggplant into a bowl. I then added a sliced tomato and some frozen roasted corn kernels that I thawed in the microwave. I mixed this all together with some white wine vinegar and Italian seasoning. By this time, the pasta was done and we sat down to eat. I picked some of the red shiiso leaves from my plant as a bed for the salad.

Julian was impressed. “Good gemisch.” High praise.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2017/08/03/upper-deck-dinner/

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