This Year’s Thanksgiving Contributions

As usual, we’re spending Thanksgiving with some of our Friday Night crew. Our host is doing the turkey and some of the trimmings. I offered to make the traditional cranberry-orange relish, plus some bread for the festivities. After some research in the collection, I settled on a challah recipe that had onion rolls as a variation.

The recipe was straightforward. I put the dough in the refrigerator to rise overnight. It’s a good thing I woke up around 6 this morning – the dough was beginning to crest over the top of the mixing bowl. Had I slept late, I would have had a glutenous mess to clean up. I punched the dough down and let it come to room temperature for a couple of hours. Meanwhile, I had breakfast and made the cranberry-orange relish once the caffeine kicked in.

I divided the dough in half. One portion went to onion rolls, the other was shaped into a traditional challah braid. The latter was sprinkled with sesame and poppy seeds. I was impressed with the “oven spring” of this recipe. The rolls are larger than standard dinner rolls. (Leftover turkey sliders, anyone?) Happy Thanksgiving!

Challah and onion rolls.

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    • Shira on November 26, 2017 at 8:44 am
    • Reply

    It was so yummy. Thank you.

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