December 2017 archive

Restaurants in the US versus France

The average American will notice significant differences in restaurants in France (and Europe in general) compared to home. Here are a few: Waiting on customers is considered an interim position in the US. Students and starving artists of all types make up a high percentage of waitstaff. In Europe, especially in high-end restaurants, customer service …

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A Sad Reality

The last time we were in Paris was May 2015, before the mass shootings at the Balacan nightclub and at cafés in the city. It was also before the Bastille Day truck assault in Nice and the attack on a Berlin Christmas market in 2016. As a result, security is heightened throughout France. We’ve seen …

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Moment of Zen for the Cult of Cute Shoes

This was in a window of the French department store Le Printemps. The Cult of Cute Shoes were tucked snug in their beds, While visions of stilettos danced in their heads. IMG_2063

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The Little Secret of French Cuisine

So you think that, after long days of work at le bureau, Maman (or Papa) cooks up three-course meals for the family every night? Au contraire, mes amis! Maman heads to le traiteur or le supermarché to get fixings for dinner, just like Americans do. Traiteurs are fixtures in Paris neighborhoods. You can purchase a …

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European vs. American Homes

We’ve rented apartments in Paris three times. In addition, we’ve visited relatives and friends in the Netherlands and Switzerland over the years. There are features in some European homes that would be beneficial in North America: Heated towel racks that double as a radiant heat source for the bathroom. Separate the toilet from the rest …

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Gluten-Free in France

Two years ago (see this post) we were hard-pressed to find much in the way of gluten-free foods in France. I saw a couple of French translations of Wheat Belly and other “diet books” in a bookstore, but little food for folks who had to be gluten-free due to intolerance or celiac disease. Things may …

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For the Cute Shoes Clan

We couldn’t resist taking these pictures of figurines in the window of a furniture store in Colmar.

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Two Moments of Zen

We found these two window displays in Lyon. Enjoy! The first one is of marmots.IMG_2035 The second is a geographically incorrect one of dancing penguins and a polar bear. (Sorry, the scientist in me sneaked out.) IMG_2036

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Last Stop: Paris

We checked out of Colmar and grabbed the train to Paris. Before we left Colmar, we stopped at a French bagel chain restaurant called Bagelstein’s. Before my bagel-eating friends book tickets to France, let me warn you: These are not real bagels. These are bagel-shaped dinner rolls. They are not boiled. If you want the …

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French Fluff Fixation

What is it with the French and Marshmallow Fluff? Two years ago we saw this at the Galeries Lafayette food hall: Our hotel in Lyon overlooked a bagel restaurant. Along with the oversized bagel models, there was a large model jar of Marshmallow Fluff. We found a candy store called Lolly’s down the street from …

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