December 2017 archive

La Fête de Fracas

I proposed the title of this post as the theme of our vacation. Little did I know that the fracas would start before we got on the plane to Paris. We got to the airport and turned in the rental car with plenty of time to spare. I opened my purse and found no baggie …

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Birthday Dinner

There’s a reason we decided to stop in New York on the way to France rather than on the way home. My mother celebrated her 85th birthday today. We took the family out to dinner at Canale’s in Oswego. I figured everyone would be able to find something to eat there. My sister, nieces, and …

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Future Festival

Tomorrow we fly to France. The first stop is Lyon for the Fête des Lumières. For an advance look, check out the official website.

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Blasts from the Past

Going back east brings back lots of memories. It also brings up the used-to-bes. Two examples: That house used to be where one of my high school friends lived. That vacant lot used to hold the factory where my mom and brother-in-law worked. Since I haven’t lived in Hannibal for nearly 40 years, the used-to-bes …

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