A Safety Message

Okay, hipsters. I know black is the de rigueur color for apparel, but consider this: You leave for work in the dark, and come home from work in the dark. If you walk to and from a bus stop or parking garage, you may be hard for drivers to see at a crosswalk. If a driver can’t see you, you could wind up as a hood ornament. So lighten up already!

No, this doesn’t mean you need to wear all white. Wear or carry something that has a light or reflective material on it. For example, I have a black ski parka with white reflective stripes on it. You can put a small light on your backpack or book bag. Even running shoes can have reflective material on them. Anything that allows you to be seen in the dark will help.

Standing out can be a good thing in the winter. Visibility = safety.

PS: Get your nose off the cell phone when you’re walking.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2018/01/02/a-safety-message/

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