Core Beliefs

Many years ago I took, and then co-taught, an Adult Religious Education course called “Building Your Own Theology.” Most of the class members were, like me, raised in other faith traditions before finding a Unitarian Universalist congregation. Over the years I’ve refined my “theology” into some core beliefs:
• This is the only life I have.
• Pay attention to what’s happening, and speak up for justice and compassion.
• Share time, knowledge, and resources with others. Someday I may need theirs.
• Everything changes. Nothing is static.
• In the words of an old hymn, “Revelation is not sealed”. There are timeless truths in ancient stories; however, we can’t see the current world through long-dead eyes, nor can we deal with our current problems using old ways. While smiting one’s adversaries was a preferred strategy 3,000 years ago, it doesn’t work so well these days.
• Science and reason can coexist with awe at the wonders of the Earth and cosmos. Example: My building emptied out during the solar eclipse in August. Even the most jaded physicians and scientists were slack-jawed at the sight of the Moon blocking the Sun.
Some of you are wondering if I believe in God. It’s complicated. While I don’t believe in an old white guy sitting on a cloud passing judgment on Earthlings, I do believe in a force (small f) that’s beyond any description. It can be seen in the night sky and in broad daylight. It can be felt in the gentle touch of another person. It can be heard in music. It can be smelled in the early spring, even before the daffodils bloom. Finally, this force can be tasted in fresh water and a good meal. In the words of another hymn attributed to the mystic Hildegard of Bingen, “I am that great and fiery force, sparkling in everything that lives…” It’s the miracle of life on a tiny rock in the vast universe.

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