24/7 Access is Overrated, Part Two

[This is a sequel to one of my early posts.]

When you work in a cube farm, privacy is at a premium. You may not want your coworkers to know that you’re scheduling a biopsy, having an argument with your teenager, or setting up an interview for a new job. But using your cell phone in a multi-stall restroom is an unwise choice, even if you’re expecting an important call. Consider the following reasons:

  • Privacy. The average office or factory restroom is the LEAST private place at work. For example, the ladies’ room on my floor has three stalls for at least 50 women.
  • Ambient sound. It doesn’t sound very professional if you’re scheduling a job interview and the hiring manager can hear toilets or urinals flushing in the background.
  • Forgetfulness. The restroom is a common place to leave a phone.
  • The EEEUWW factor. All that hand hygiene indoctrination goes for naught when you set your phone down in a restroom. Or, heaven forbid, you drop the phone.

Do yourself and others a favor, and leave your cell phone at the cube. You can always call or text later.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2018/01/13/24-7-access-is-overrated-part-two/

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