Rest in Peace, Rosie

The New York Times is reporting that the woman who was the model for the iconic World War II Rosie the Riveter poster has died in Longview, Washington at the age of 96. Her name was Naomi Parker Fraley. Click on her name to read the obituary, and the controversy over her identity.

The Rosie the Riveter poster begat many spinoffs over the years. My triathlon team, the mighty Team UUC, had t-shirts with a riff on Rosie with the motto, “If we tri we can do it”. I came home with a Rosie the Riveter action figure as my white elephant gift on Christmas Eve. It holds a place of pride in my cube. Archie McPhee, the quintessential white elephant gift store in Seattle, has several Rosie-related items.

Rest in peace, Ms. Fraley, and thank you for your service.

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