Unless You’re Poor

There’s a streak of mean in the other Washington and in many state capitals against people who are at the low end of the income scale. Consider the following:

Unless you’re poor, medical insurance often will be combined with dental insurance.

Unless you’re poor, the items in your grocery cart won’t engender much scrutiny.

Unless you’re poor, there will be no work requirements to receive government largesse.

Unless you’re poor, you won’t get jailed for not paying a parking ticket or possessing a single joint.

Unless you’re poor, you’ll get empathy for your struggles with alcohol or drug addiction.

Unless you’re poor, you won’t get flak if you choose to stay home with your preschool children.

And finally, unless you’re poor, your vote will be eagerly solicited by politicians.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2018/02/15/unless-youre-poor/

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