They Are OUR Children

My heart sank on Wednesday when I heard of another school shooting, this time in Parkland, Florida. As I’ve written before, I have a friend who was seriously injured in the Jewish Federation shooting twelve years ago. In that same post, I mentioned that I have family members who go duck- and deer-hunting every year. While I don’t begrudge anyone the right to own a rifle or shotgun for hunting purposes, I do draw the line at assault weapons with high-capacity magazines. These weapons are only useful for mass murder.

Here are my suggestions for common-sense legislation to avoid further mayhem, in schools or other settings.

Keep people under 21 from purchasing assault weapons. If legislators don’t have the cojones to ban assault weapons entirely, they can at least keep youngsters from purchasing them.

Repeal the law passed last year that makes it easier for mentally ill people to purchase firearms.

Persons who are under restraining orders should not be allowed to purchase firearms.

People who own assault weapons should be required to store them safely, preferably in a locked gun safe with the ammunition stored separately. If not, and the weapon is traced to a mass shooting, the owner should be held civilly and criminally liable.

Voters should hold their elected representatives responsible for introducing and voting for sensible gun legislation. If you haven’t heard the words of Emma González, one of the high school students who survived last week’s attack, you can do so at this link. We owe Emma and other students the right to attend school without fear. They are all our children.


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