I Am Home

Although I was raised in Hannibal, I consider Ithaca where I grew into myself. Although the Cornell campus and city bear little resemblance to what they were when I started college here, I still consider it home. The hills. Cayuga Lake. The Ithaca Commons.

This morning my former roommate Anne and I went out to the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology for a tour. I’d never been out there before. Julian had collaborated with some of the staff on their projects back when he was working in the Neurobiology and Behavior department. As it happened, our tour guide today was one of those collaborators. We didn’t see a whole lot of birds, but we walked through several habitats at the facility.

Later in the morning I walked up to the Veterinary College. There’s an entirely new entrance and library. In addition, the college just opened a companion animal clinic. We were shown around by two members of the college staff and a woman who just finished her first year in vet school. The clinic isn’t fully equipped yet (no x-ray, exam tables, or other furnishings), but it’s much more light and airy than the small animal clinic I took my cat Chubbette to when she was diagnosed with diabetes. The new clinic has separate waiting and exam areas for cats and dogs. It was worth the hike.

More fun and frivolity to come.

Home sweet home. McGraw Tower and Uris Library.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2018/06/08/i-am-home/

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