The Damage is Done

The current administration has apparently reversed its stance on family separation at the Mexican border. While the news sounds good,  the damage has already been done.

  • Over 2000 children have already been separated from their parents.
  • There is no plan to reunite these families in the near future. Tracking these children, especially the babies and toddlers, is iffy at best.
  • Some boys are being held in an impromptu tent detention facility outside El Paso.
  • Immigrant girls have been moved out of Texas as far away as New York City.
  • The administration wants to reverse the order that detained children be housed in licensed facilities. This increases the probability of abuse and neglect.
  • Military lawyers are being solicited to prosecute immigrants in deportation hearings.

Don’t be fooled. Very little will change. There will still be traumatized children and a take all prisoners policy at the border. We can’t let this tragedy continue.

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