September 2018 archive

It All Goes Back to This

Let’s hijack the Wayback Machine from Mr. Peabody and travel back to 1998. Impeachment was in the air. Congressional Republicans seized on the report by Kenneth Starr’s team and impeached President Bill Clinton for lying under oath about an extramarital affair. The trial failed to convict Clinton, but there was collateral damage. Three Republicans who …

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Confusion Cuisine

I’m notorious for gemisching things together. However, Julian took this to a whole new level for this afternoon’s lunch. He had herring in mustard sauce that he’d bought at Ikea yesterday, along with bacon and eggs with zhug (Yemeni herb sauce). I think he does this to rile me.

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Housing the Collection

One of the biggest advantages of the house we rented in Seattle was the built-in bookcases in the living room that helped accommodate the cookbook collection. There are no built-ins here at Casa Sammamish, and I’ve run out of room. Thus, it was time to get more bookshelves. My current bookshelves were purchased when I …

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Neighborhood Pace Cars

I went to a Bothell city open house on their proposed Bike Plan. As a recreational and occasional commuter cyclist, this is important. In particular, getting to the bike trail from home in the most expeditious manner requires crossing an arterial where the posted speed limit is 25 mph. In reality, most cars are going …

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Gardening: Worth the Price?

Julian and I have had running discussions on the cost-effectiveness of our little upper-deck garden. He’s dubious that the cost layout for the seeds, plants, soil, fertilizer, and water is worth it. My response is yes. A small sprig or two of basil costs $2 or more at the grocery store. Even during high season, …

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Basic Beet Salad

Like most kids, I abhorred beets. Occasionally my school would serve “Harvard beets” as a side dish with lunch. I resolved that if Harvard served those beets, I’d never attend it. (Never mind that Harvard’s undergraduate program was all-male at the time.) As years have passed, I’ve developed a more positive attitude toward beets, but …

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Milk versus Milk

Full disclosure: I am a dairy farmer’s granddaughter. Most of our neighbors when I was growing up had dairy farms. As an animal science major, I worked on dairy research and had to collect milk samples at the Cornell Teaching and Research Center at 4 in the morning for two weeks for one experiment. Now …

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Raspberry and Figgy Goodness

Inspiration can strike at odd times. In my case, it usually strikes between 5 and 7 am. Yesterday I was rummaging in the refrigerator for breakfast when I noticed the figs and raspberries we’d bought the other night. The neurons started firing: A fruit salad for lunch. I washed a handful of raspberries and mixed …

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Welcome to the Rainy Season

Last winter and spring were very wet. We just slogged through one of the hottest and driest summers on record. Now the rain is back. How long will it take before the locals start complaining about the rain? [Note: This is the 500th post for Edible Thoughts! Thanks for reading and following along with the …

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Doing Capitol Hill

Capitol Hill is a Seattle neighborhood near my workplace. I taught for a quarter at Seattle Central College, in the heart of the neighborhood. Capitol Hill has become highly gentrified in the 15 years we’ve been here. It’s also the traditional LGBT neighborhood in Seattle, with many businesses catering to this demographic. We hadn’t been …

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